Michael Rufman

December, 26, 1958 - Berlin
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Feeling of a stranger

Magic forces a person to repeatedly cross the boundaries between worlds. These intersections are inevitably accompanied by the interaction of different forms of consciousness. Goetics, for example, pits the consciousness of a Free being (human) against the consciousness of a Servant spirit (for example, a demon). Elementary Magic brings human consciousness into contact with the Mind of the Elements, and Dreaming with the Elementaries. All these collisions are accompanied by the overlap of different Waves of life. Each Wave has its own characteristics, frequencies and intensities that distinguish it from the surrounding Ocean of consciousness. Human consciousness is different from the consciousness of animals, as well as from the consciousness of demons or elementaries

The intersection of the Waves of Life gives new qualities to its participants. The more the forms of interacting consciousnesses differ, the more significant changes deep interactions can bring to them.Therefore, it is clear that any interaction with distant forms of consciousness can be potentially dangerous. This sense of danger translates into the well-known "feeling of a stranger"

It is sad when the feeling of a stranger begins to dictate forms of behavior and develops into xenophobia. However, the protective role of this feeling is obvious. The "feeling of a stranger" for a person may be the first sign of his interaction with other forms of consciousness — unmotivated fear at night or in an unfamiliar place often has, in addition to psychological, such a reason. That's why children are so often afraid of the dark — because they are not yet so reliably protected by the universal consciousness, the line between their consciousness and others is still thin, so the "feeling of an outsider" works

Magical life, therefore, in addition to the well-known dangers of a predatory nature, also has a danger associated with the loss of belonging to the human Wave of Life. This danger is often downplayed or even elevated into a romantic halo. Magicians who have ceased to look like humans are perceived as extremely intriguing and, often, attractive figures. But in reality, these magicians themselves do not acquire any bonuses from such a condition. Moreover, having lost their belonging to the Human Wave, they also lose the possibility of accumulating the power available to this wave
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