Michael Rufman

December, 26, 1958 - Berlin
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Echo of events

Any action performed in the system must be supported by the general logic of development of this system. Otherwise, the system’s desire to remain in a stable state will lead to counteraction that balances this manifestation of activity. A similar phenomenon is well known in Magic under the name of “return strike”

There are two possible situations here. The first occurs when an impact directed at an object is, for some reason, not assimilated by this object, and due to the “attraction of like to like” it returns to its source. The second situation arises when the impact has reached the desired goal, the return blow has not followed, and the world has accepted a new state

Moving further along the path of its development, the universe, due to the cyclical nature of this development, after a period of time again enters a state that requires the mentioned event and it is the last phenomenon that is called the “echo of events”

In order to avoid the limiting influence of echoes on their Path, magicians have developed many methods of “detachment” that allow them to break ties with past actions without escaping responsibility for them. In any case, the magician must remember that any action he performs will certainly return to him either in the form of a return blow, or in the form of a repetition, or in the form of an imprint, and he must always be ready to effectively interact with such an echo
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