Michael Rufman

December, 26, 1958 - Berlin
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Concept of “chance”

One of the key magical practices is the concept of “chance”, namely a coincidence of circumstances that opens up a new opportunity for a short time, the use of which changes the direction of the flow of events, a “weak link” appears, by breaking which by the active use of will a person can significantly change the further course of events, more or less substantially breaking the connection with previous influences

Like any fluctuation in the Great Flow of Power, chance is a very capricious element. Firstly, no methods of “attracting” a chance ever provide a 100% guarantee of its occurrence. Secondly, like any change in the Flow, a chance is preceded by an “advanced sign”, having noticed which, the magician can be more prepared to meet the chance. Therefore, recognizing such signs is an important element of magical mindfulness. Thirdly, the chance is quite easy to annihilate, or, as is sometimes poetically expressed, “scared away.” For example, often even talking about the possibility of a chance leads to the fact that this chance is realized virtually, that is, in the minds of those discussing it, and such virtual realization makes actual realization impossible

There are differences in the meaning of chance in the life of a magician. “Evolutionary” schools prefer a purposeful restructuring of the flow of events, its gradual change so that the expected result becomes a natural outcome. This is exactly what the schools of the Rosicrucian tradition do, insisting on the need for a long-term “inner alchemy”, in the fire of which the mortal human being is gradually transformed into the sacred Philosopher’s Stone of the Initiate. “Revolutionary” schools prefer to use chances that provide the opportunity for significant leaps along the evolutionary ladder, and pay special attention to learning to track emerging chances and methods of using them. Such schools include, first of all, schools with a strong spiritualistic element, for example, “classical” Ceremonial Magic

The history of Magic proves the effectiveness of both "evolutionary" and "revolutionary" approaches to increasing the level of the Force. Which approach is more successful for each individual is determined by his own nature
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