Michael Rufman

December, 26, 1958 - Berlin
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Basic delusion

Reality is the product of the interaction of two basic categories - being and consciousness, and being is an infinite field of probabilities, the ordering/actualization of which is carried out by consciousness; without the formative power of consciousness, being remains only a virtual reality, which, in fact, is what the idea of ​​the “anthropic principle” says, since it is consciousness that “chooses” which of the endless field of possibilities of the Environment it should “embody”, realize

However, being carried away by the differentiating activity that produces reality, consciousness falls into the illusion of separateness and begins to consider precisely the reality it produces as the real value and meaning of its existence, because the “Wheel of Samsara” enslaves consciousness, makes it its servant, a builder, passionate about works, Pygmalion, an admirer his Galatea, and forgetting that the real author of these works is himself

In any case, consciousness feels the imbalance of the situation in which it is only the “driving force” of existence, feels the inferiority of this situation and strives to correct it, because the idealization of consciousness is as inharmonious as the idealization of being, and the person who says that reality consists made only of atoms and molecules, is as unbalanced as one who speaks only of the ultimate reality of God or Brahman

However, insufficient attention to the self-ordering of consciousness is a basic delusion leading to dissatisfaction and suffering, no matter how successful the activity of actualizing being, consciousness must rely primarily on itself, and use the Environment as a field for the manifestation of its will, because until instead of Psychocosmos there is psychochaos - consciousness will remain a slave of being, tied to the cycle of interdependent emergence
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