Michael Rufman

December, 26, 1958 - Berlin
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Achieving the integrity of a being

Achieving the integrity of a being, which is absolutely necessary both for its effective existence in the manifested world and for final pleromization, first of all requires a high degree of order of consciousness

At the same time, since any manifestation requires splitting the primary unity into a biner, often achieving integrity is confused with the "right choice". In other words, whenever making a choice in favor of one of the poles of the beaner, consciousness actualizes this beaner, giving it the power to manifest, and preventing its integration. And this is directly opposite to the very purpose of the existence of consciousness, which is designed to integrate binaries, creating a pleromic unity of being from the original duality

Thus, it turns out that in the very idea of choice, which is so important and key for all Paths, there is a powerful destructor: instead of choosing as a preference for a more effective strategy (and therefore, an inherently vertical action — that is, in fact, the integration of the beaner), a choice is often made as a horizontal action – preference

Therefore, one of the most important tasks facing a magician striving for the development of consciousness is the search for the key components of his consciousness, its hierarchy, designed to exclude the introduction of objects of different importance into one plane

The magician must find that set of key properties, characteristics and desires for him, the realization of which is the essence of his existence, and establish the order of filling between them – that is, determine which of the potencies is a condition for the realization of the next one, establish which of them are more basic, which are more derivative. As a result, the Psychocosmos becomes precisely the cosmos, that is, an ordered system, the elements of which help mutual development and achieve the maximum possible harmony
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