Michael Rufman

December, 26, 1958 - Berlin
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Achieve the great perfection of Pleroma

For us, the world moves from complete non-manifestation to complete manifestation, and, accordingly, the development of the microcosm is similar to this evolution of the macrocosm. And although this process is beginningless and endless, and from a relative point of view there is no exit from the cycle, travelers of different schools and different traditions have always known that it is possible to leave this bad infinity only by losing all identification with it, by finding in oneself that absolute state in which Great perfection was never lost. It is this search that forms the deep basis of any Path, any development of the individual spirit

And although consciousness as such, in its ultimate limit, its absolute reality, is homogeneous and without quality, it can manifest itself, be realized, and actualize only in differentiated flows - the flow of selves, personalities, mental phenomena. Accordingly, the process of integration of consciousness must proceed in the opposite direction - from the ordering of mental flows to the actually manifested presence - the individuality of the Monad

Accordingly, in order to achieve actual completeness, the magician must solve two global problems: he must integrate his thinking/mental processes and he must integrate his actions

On the one hand, the magician strives to ensure that his actions are, firstly, as much as possible his own (which means he strives to integrate, streamline all manifestations of his individuality, get rid of the heterogeneity of influences and influences, from demons, predators and parasites of consciousness) , and, secondly, as consciously as possible

On the other hand, the magician must gain experience in overcoming fragmentation, the experience of non-egregoric unity, based not on the oppression of individuality, but, on the contrary, on its maximum manifestation and realization. Only when the magician has experienced, awakened the Power in himself and experienced and realized Love in himself, can he integrate them together and achieve the Great Perfection of Pleroma
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