Michael Rufman

December, 26, 1958 - Berlin
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A magician is a warrior

Many people who have experienced insights that, it would seem, should have completely changed their lives, in fact do not change their way of existence, because even such a powerful transforming factor as the religious experience of direct communication with the Divine often does not make a person one iota kinder or smarter than he was before. Often, even an experience that is undoubted at first glance turns out to be empty, illusory, resulting only from the individual’s desire to experience such an experience

In fact, it turns out that the main stakeholders in such an “experience” are its “shadow players” - the Archons and the Parasite of Awareness, who receive their prey: the first - from the power invested in the illusion, the second - from the meaninglessness of this investment. Therefore, experience itself, with all its apparent importance and significance, is a detractor on the desire to have such experience

It must be remembered that sharp changes in the level of consciousness - enlightenment and insight - are not a necessary condition for the expansion of consciousness. On the contrary, for many people a gradual ascent is more appropriate, like climbing the Tree of Sephiroth or Dante's journey through the celestial spheres. It was the desire for “effects” and disappointment in their absence that led so many astray from the Path, and no fewer were lost due to such an expected, but false experience

A magician is, first of all, a warrior, who follows the Path of Power not because this Path gives him any advantages or abilities, but because outside the Path his existence is meaningless. Magic should not be practiced by those who “want” or even “can” do it, but only by those who cannot help but be magicians, for whom Magic is not just suitable or best, but the only Path
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