Michael Rufman

December, 26, 1958 - Berlin
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A dream

A dream in the broadest sense of the word can be described as a state of consciousness in which it is vectorless, that is, it changes its direction freely, and thus goes beyond the scope of cause-effect orientation, that is, discoveries, knowledge that one receives in a dream the result of these leaps, the overcoming of abysses - there is freedom for leaps in consciousness

However, the Dream Consciousness is unstable in its conclusions, short-term in its effects, the consolidation of which requires painstaking work of the “daytime” consciousness, and the images that the vectorless consciousness captures are expressed in symbols - universal elements of meaning diffused in the universe

Another feature of the dream state is that the sleeper is accustomed to a gullible attitude towards the hypothesis, he is satisfied with the first idea that comes across for explanation and immediately believes in its truth, and that is why the consciousness of the sleeper is often mistaken, takes imaginary causes for true ones, the absence of simultaneity of events or their reverse order as a given

The consciousness of every person enters from time to time a state that can be described by the term “waking dream”, the world in such a state is perceived as a symbol, and the events in it do not have a strict relationship and such a state can be both fruitful and lead to a loss of adequacy, madness, like any dream, opens the mind to various predators seeking to master it, although it is much easier to fight these predators in a “waking dream”, since the Stream of Power provides resources and support in such a fight
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