Mehrannè Talebian

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Beyond the limitless barriers of one’s mind, all doubts fade
Whispers of divine power chant a cosmic tale.
In Eden’s embrace, guardian angles weave with grief
What shall be destined, despite ones mistaken belief.
But, oh to believe
Its reflection illuminates the beauty of the divine with a glance,
Pierces the heart while within lies a sacred trance.
A gift of oneness
A power unseen
There’s nothing that one cannot find within
Unlock your heart’s treasury to the world’s embrace
Cease the logic’s grip
Let in the cosmic whisper, with grace.
In the sea of consciousness, thoughts float like gentle waves
No one’s safe from its curse, but the ones rotting in graves
Don’t be fooled by its tender disguise
A weapon used by the wise, truth is all that it implies
An omen of nemesis, destroyer of all hopes
No one shall be safe from its dusky scopes
But in the realm of thoughts, free we stand
Bound not as slaves to its demanding hand.
In the realm of dreams, where stars align
Open thy heart, let love entwine
A miraculous dance, through time’s art
Unveiling wonders, a celestial chart.
Beneath the moon’s soft, silver gleam
Thy spirit soars, a radiant beam.
Embrace the whispers of the night,
A symphony of stars, filled with pure delight
In the open vastness of the skies,
Miraculous tales within thy eyes.
Let love’s embrace forever start,
A journey boundless, within thy heart.
In shadows deep, where echoes wane
Who said truth shall bare no pain?
A whispered prophecy, both dark and wise
Where truths unfold, beneath somber skies.
Yet within the agony, resilience reigns
Said the soul, as truth breaks unyielding chains.
For pain may carve a path unknown
Where seeds of strength are subtly sown.
Dive in, into the depths untold,
Where belief of the impossible shall unfold
All suffering shall fade, like evening hues
As thy soul submerges, all renewed.
In the quite current of solace and serenade,
Briefly lost, yet eternally remade.
Within troy, Avalon & Asphodel meadow
The Eden of unfulfilled fantasies shall emerge and grow
Buried under the weight of shadows deep,
Where faith once soared, doubt begins to creep.
Till when one ought to watch wisdom’s measured dance?
Unveil your essence to nature’s tender hands.
Ought we not give up to the stars’ gentle sway?
How shall we survive in a world all dim and gray?
Under the moon struck lea, hopelessness, a pain so deep
Autumn leaves rustle as Willows weep.
The hermit dives in, embarks on the quest
A journey unknown, where destiny will attest.
The chariot takes him high and above,
Alas! Shan’t you give in to the cosmic love?
Drink from the fountain of steadfast trust
As sprits applaud your celestial lust.
Reflects thy innocence, waning moon’s soft gloom
With a lifelike breeze, is destroyed an impending doom
Reach beyond what you see, a secret shall it remain
Truth unveiled, what the restless souls are ought to gain
Follow the footsteps, towards the foyer of memories
What you once owned, is once again regained with all its glories
What you see now, is redeemed in the prison of one’s mind
The borders all fade, the stars are aligned
A dream fortress,
A power divine
To its favor, all aspirants shall resign
Healer of the broken hearts, the persona non grata
In forests deep, where secrets hover
Mother nature's symphony,
Ever undercover.
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