Lily Isong

August 18 - Nigeria
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Do You Miss Me?

Do you Miss me?

Do you miss me?
When you kiss her and it's different
You don't feel the current
You don't taste the strawberry
Wrapped around your neck are pressures of money, debts and bills
No honey to help you ease them all
Do you miss the love and everything between
Do you miss me?

Do you miss the times I blab to you
The times I dance around the room for you
The times we go to somewhere new
times we're admired by all and few
Those times we create motion memories
Times we wish for Melody
Do you miss me?

Do you miss the times in the lab
The times we weigh our love in a gauge
Exchanging notes and giggling at little phrases like; I love you
We fought to stay out of the cage
But there were too many of us
Sprouting round about were others
Choking and consuming us
But do you miss me?

Perhaps you don't
But they all matters so little
For we're better off without us
Without love.
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