Gold is best, we all agree
A timeless thing of beauty
Gold is merit, gold is wealth
Olympic medals, trophy shelf
Men pray for gold, or go to war
Or break into the jewelry store
To hell with frankincense and myrrh!
The wisest wise man brought it first
Though silver shines, it sells for less
A prize for only second-best
It doesn’t hide in treasure chests
It's gold that crowns the prince's head
The Moon would never dare compete
Gold sunset always has her beat
And Mother Earth spins ‘round her Sun
The Moon dragged helplessly along—
Until she pawned my silver soul
My anger lit the furnace coals
They grabbed the pot and tossed me in
I thought I’d boil from within
But I stayed solid, dark and cold
Watched those around me warp and fold
And in the end, we both were wrong
Seems I was platinum all along.