Burn your degrees and certifications.
Disregard human innovation.
Let the philosophers be burned with their works.
Schools to be demolished and learning forbidden.
For these constructs hold no purpose now,
With intellectuals imprisoned by the Court of Public Opinion.
To say Cannabis Sativa is destroying generations,
To ignore the science and call it “contraband”,
While huffing your artificial cherry-flavored exhaust.
Born from rustica and transmuted to tabacum
Profits blooming from Indigenous roots
Yet destroying
Colonizing the foliage and its culture,
Still, concepts such as this are complex,
Incapable of American comprehension
For We’ve forsaken humanity, the earth,
And even the most high.
And all we’ve done is spit in the face of reason.
Yet the last of us who oppose this narrative,
Those who yearn to change humanity’s thinking,
Are left powerless and weak.
For the hive mind of society eviscerates,
And devours the idea of change,
And we are to conform to it,
Or be faced with imprisonment ourselves.
Our Incessant pleas fall on deaf ears,
Continuous societal regression proposed as change,
Our rights stripped as some moronic ploy.
And yet in the face of all this turmoil,
I can't help but sigh,
For this fight has disheveled my spirit.
For I see no end to the blind demon society has become,
Forgoing the truth in contempt with fallacy.
So, I'm left,
to lament
Burdened by now useless insight.
Absorbed in the pale and bitter smoke of my contraband.
So goodbye logic, goodbye facts, and goodbye the rational.
For this shameless world
would throw even the most innocent
Of its children
Into the jaws of imprisonment
If it dares threaten to know more than its constructors.