Politics Poems

Popular Politics Poems
The Chosen One
by Josias Homely

A candidate came to the west country.
That land of the bold independent and free,
And he stop'd at a borough town.
He'd a twist in his nose, and a squint in each eye,
On his back stood a hump, and his neck stood awry,
And his gait was the gait of a clown.

As he pass'd through the streets with a lop and a stride
The dogs they all bark'd, and the children all cried,
And the women beginning to snivel.


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The Working Man
by Tammy Darby

The working man
Carries the weight of the country on his back
Works half his life to pay government tax
Taxes for death
Taxes for war
Rue the day when the working man
No more

Stolen their hard-earned wages


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The Sledgehammer - in Trumps own words
by Dr. Robert Ippaso

Folks ask why
I chose Elon as my guy,
Smart and tough
Knows how to fight even when rough,
Let him loose
To put woke projects in the noose,
Cause a stir
For progressives to deter,
Stop the rot
That placed us all in this garotte.


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Squatting Boys
by Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu

They squatted under the rising sun,
testifying to the brutal energy of a dictator,
their scrotums bloated like calabashes

Diseased toes trampled on the
olive leaf once held aloof by sane comedians.
Banners praised the guards of the doorposts of hell.

Their aura smells foul —
Squatting boys —tied tail to tail for


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The Banishment of the Poet
by Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu

Alien interpreters with long, grey beards
predicted the astonishments of the heavens.
Swallows migrate southwards
to the trial precincts of committed
visionaries – they swore dinosaurs
were here once.
A star shoots the length of
night sky in one long-tailed, silent trumpet of message.
Within eons of a blazing, returning
comet and epochs of swollen annihilations,


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Recent Politics Poems
93. So, Defeating
by Kea Campbell

Fingers rest at F and J and the keys ask, “How are you?” 
My hands are speechless… “I’m okay, just feeling out of tune.” 
Tired eyes from trauma and headaches from national news, 
Unable to side with the hypocrite Demis or self-centered men in blue suits. 
Pardon my pessimism, but the present is all too intense. 
I empathize with the 15.4 million and contemplate the 49 thousand.  
What a shame of how difficult it is to find a true friend, 
But I reap what I sow, considering I no longer make an attempt. 
Don’t get the wrong idea if I can’t find any more of me to give. 


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The Sledgehammer - in Trumps own words
by Dr. Robert Ippaso

Folks ask why
I chose Elon as my guy,
Smart and tough
Knows how to fight even when rough,
Let him loose
To put woke projects in the noose,
Cause a stir
For progressives to deter,
Stop the rot
That placed us all in this garotte.


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Prisoners of their own Ignorance
by Kimani Hare

Burn your degrees and certifications.
Disregard human innovation.
Let the philosophers be burned with their works.
Schools to be demolished and learning forbidden.

For these constructs hold no purpose now,
With intellectuals imprisoned by the Court of Public Opinion.
To say Cannabis Sativa is destroying generations,
To ignore the science and call it “contraband”,
While huffing your artificial cherry-flavored exhaust.


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And now it starts - in Trump's own words
by Dr. Robert Ippaso

And now it starts,
And yes, I'm back at last,
Four years of trials and tribulations,
Capped off by this raucous jubilation.

I fought and won,
Proved them all wrong,
The denigrators,
The fake media perpetrators.


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Ambition - in Kamalas own words
by Dr. Robert Ippaso

What if I can see it, smell it, almost touch it,
That gilded throne where I will proudly sit,
Would people think me mad,
Is my ambition so preposterous and bad.

And why not me, have I not earned this crown,
Someone not worthy of that queenly gown,
Bejeweled and composed for all to see,
My vassals all around, bowing deep to me.


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