Kimani Hare

July 6, 2004- Los Angeles
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Poison in my Veins

Your pretension exhausts me
With your absurd actions superseding your illogical thoughts
Fallacies fiddling your holier than thou

Yet I remain loathsomely chained
Familial blood eradicating the spirit

If blood is thicker than water
Then let Tylenol dilute me and be my keeper

For your breath suffocated me
and your words nauseate me

A melancholic glioma pressing on my brainstem
Tearing any opportunity of serenity away from me

If blood is thicker than water
Then let it clot
Let it join the torment of the glioma
For death captivates with its incessant solace

And finally, I will be free of you
So if blood is truly thicker than water
Let it desert my veins
And leave me to drown

Succumbing to death’s ever-rising tranquility
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