Khushi Malhotra

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your mind speaking to you

My head filled with so many thoughts
every single day,
My heart beat is racing
I’ve got too much to say.

So many feelings inside me
lonely ,hurt, angry
I used to love eating food,
Now I barely feel hungry.

And I’ve cried, I’ve cried a lot
wasting too many tears
Just constantly questioning myself,
“When will I face my fears?”

And I know it isn’t easy,
not for you, not for me
But we have to keep fighting this
daily ,weekly, monthly.

and NO! Now is not the time to back down
you will eventually thrive,
But if you give up now
you’ll have regrets your entire life.

And right now you may feel like
you won’t be happy ever,
But even the world’s biggest billionare
was at some point a beggar.

And life is never perfect
there are endless battles,
when so many times
your heart and mind shatters.

But you have to keep fighting
to get what you desire,
hear your passion calling you
your soul’s undying fire.

And many people may tell you
that life is about always winning
but the actual moral of life
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