Ken Ripley

August 3, 1950 - Virginia Beach
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There’s nothing like a mirror
To show you who you are.
To look outward from our face
Is to miss the color of our hair
And the features of our race.

Since we lack an ability to see,
Our minds are free to roam and be.
We are handsome and above the rest,
Nobly browed with piercing eyes,
Finely shaped and sharply dressed.

But in the mirror’s polished glass
Our illusions finally come to rest.
Wrinkles and warts dispel the spell
That we are perfect in every way.
How we truly look, we can truly tell.

I regret no mirror can reveal
Beneath the surfaces of our life.
We are so much more inside us,
So that only what we say or do
Can really capture or define us.
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