Kea Campbell

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76. Cadence

I respect peaceful protests, and I favor their persistence.
They courageously speak for me and every other silenced victim. 
Only few survivors parade while the rest of us stay unknown,
Because the system consists of what's easiest for the majority by declaring our situations overblown.
The most comforting feeling is having control over what you portray,
But unfortunately for the innocent, villains thrive on inducing oppressive disarray. 
The world shouldn't be black and white because life flourishes in the gray,
Never conclude that your sentiment presents the only insightful say. 
I encourage you to find your voice and don't shy away from fears and afraids,
Because dauntlessness has no ceiling, except for the one you allow to invade and constraint. 
Dismay could get you now, but it won't keep you for long,
So, when you confront it with fortitude, it will have no place to belong. 

Friday 3 January 2024
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