My mind is a prison.
It's full of abuse every day.
If only you heard what my brain likes to say,
And maybe on that day, I would be considered strong and not weak.
These lines on my arm are proof.
Everything in my head was too loud and I didn’t know how to speak.
I go through this week after week.
I’m glad I found my outlet; I only wish it had been sooner.
My mind is a prison, and I use things to try and escape.
I keep my nose in a book,
Or I listen to a song or a movie.
But at the end of the day, I cannot escape.
I’ve always loved the night,
But ever since she died, it’s become the scariest time,
When all the noise dies down
And I have time to unwind.
I used to be scared of the monsters in my closet;
Now I'm scared of the ones in my head.
The ones that say, “You’re better off dead.”
The ones that lurk in the prison, not under the bed.
My prison is full of monsters.
I’m the only inmate.
The guards say I’m messed up.
I don’t know if I can escape.
But these monsters are not like the ones in the movies.
They are hardly ever seen,
But they like to be loud.
I can’t shut them out.
These monsters are thoughts;
They are doubts,
Insecurities and such.
They are the guards that keep me locked in my cell and say, “You’re too much to be loved.”