Juliana Heathcock

March 10, 2011 - Alabama
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I feel lonely.
I know I'm surrounded by people who love me,
But it's not that kind of lonely.
It's the kind where I need someone beside me—
Someone to hold my hand,
Someone to cuddle,
Someone who will kiss my cheek
And whisper in my ear, “It’s okay to be weak.”

Because I feel lonely—
Like I’m the only one in the band
When the iceberg hit and we went down.
I need my Jack who will hold my hand
And help me play
As the chaos surrounds.
But I won’t leave him to drown;
I will make room on that door.

I need someone who, when I call, both feet hit the floor.
He will come running, no matter what’s in store.
He will be there even when I fall,
And I will be there for him;
I will never leave at all
Unless he sends me away.
And I will go,
Albeit with a heavy heart that wants to stay.

I want someone to comfort;
I want to be there for people.
But is it too much to want someone there for me?

I know I should just leave my heart be,
And my brain screams to flee.
But I will take the risk
Because of a dream
Where there was someone out there
Who wishes the same as me—
Who wishes for someone to love and adore,
For someone they will run to no matter what for.
For someone gentle and kind,
Who doesn't only have themselves on their mind.
Someone who can understand
That every day we can't all be Superman.

So I will pray, and I’ll dream
That one day I’ll find the one for me—
The one who doesn’t mind when I'm weak,
The one who doesn’t mind when I love to speak,
The one that can show me what true love means.
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