Jr. Rodolfo M. Reventar

Bambang, Pasig, Philippines

Today's Beacon In The Night

Shamelessly swayed and enslaved
By deceits and foolishness,
All mortal souls gone astray
Who have not entered the Door;
Yea, remained outside the fold,
Are consigned to nothingness.
Unless Blood-freed from satan,
Sinfulness and stings of death,
The whole world is--sad to say,
Awaiting a dreadful end!

Amid turmoils and perils
As we journey 'round the globe,
A vision of peace unfolds
Showing to us the Cure-all!
Yes, to bring us to reason:
Humble thyself before Heaven
In reverence and worship
With divine love in thine hearts
And inspired hopes for justice
When the day of judgment comes.

The gifted as sent to preach--
Let all nations--now, take heed
What's gospel truth from great lies.
Be opened and converted,
Repentantly cleansed of guilt!
Propitiously born anew
In the kingdom of heaven,
Where the blessed chosen few,
In oneness, always will fulfill
The Will of God--not of men!

As prophesied at end-times--
Come and see Christ's spotless Bride,
In the Spirit of wisdom,
She's the daughter of Zion!
O set apart--justified,
Sanctified and edified
By the light of saving grace,
The only way to overcome
Human vices and darkness
Through perfect faith and good deeds.

To vindicate and reward
All the faithful with the crown
Of righteousness--and behold,
Life's glorious liberties!
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