J.R. Deagle

August 11,1982- Ontario, Canada
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The spark of two souls touching
Is the most real feeling in existence.
It is like lightening- soundless
But electric and powerful.
Everything just stops for a moment
And in that heartbeat. . .
Everything in your world expands.

... And sometimes I wonder ...
If that's what started it all.
Was the big bang two souls touching,
For the first time- Banging into existence.
The everything in one breath- one beat...
Two energies colliding in time and space.
Lightening- ...silence..
Then the flash!

Quick heartbeats. Fast pounding blood.
Electricity shooting everywhere.
Energy e x p a n d e d
-in the blink of an eye.
Energy poured forth and filled the void.
It breathed and moved and made.
And when that lightning flash was over
Everything was different and new.

...And so when I think of that feeling-
That spark we share. I think of lightning.
I think of the silence in your absence
I think of the bright flash in your presence.
I think of electric energy sparking-
It breaths and moves and makes.
And when that moment ended
We were different and new.
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