Jeffrey Pipes Guice

New Orleans
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My Girlfriend and Me

Why can’t we simply accept
the way things are...
Push aside all our worries
and enjoy a good cigar...

When you can take time off
to finally enjoy your life...
When you’re with your sweet girl
and not your ex-wife!

When we have to drive five hours
but then you eventually reach...
Your best friend’s free vacation home
right there on Rosemary Beach...

Why can’t we simply accept
the way things are...
We’ve worked hard and honestly
and we’ve come this far...

When you have an awesome bike
who needs a car...
When you drink San Pellegrino
who needs a bar...

When you’re with the girl
who fulfills your dreams...
Accept it for the paradise
Just exactly as it seems...

Why can’t we simply accept
the way things truly can be...
Living our best life...
Just enjoying our time,
my girlfriend and me...

© 2021 Jeffrey Pipes Guice
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