Jeffrey Pipes Guice

New Orleans
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Forever 18…

We were the Children of the Seventies...
We were young, restless and bold...
We lived life as if we would live forever...
Never going to grow tired or old...

No matter what life threw our way...
We would always make the scene...
We would live our life on our own terms...
Live as if we were Forever 18...

Nixon Meets Elvis, JazzFest, Apollo 13, Boone’s Farm Strawberry Hill, Kent State, Figaro Newspaper, “Let It Be”, Bobby Orr, One Shell Square, Gay Rights, The Ramones, City Park Concerts, The Meters, Indira Gandhi, Walt Disney World, Riverboat President, Irish Republican Army, Nixon Visits China, K-Paul’s, Viet Nam Napalm Attacks, Hanoi Jane Fonda,
New Orleans Jazz, “Deep Throat”, Bobby Fischer, Crescent City Classic, Munich Olympic Kidnap, Miami Dolphins, Pontchartrain Beach POP, “The Godfather”, Secretariat, Dr. John, Sears Tower, Bruce Lee, Superdome, Spiro Agnew Resigns, Battle of The Sexes Tennis, Tulane Beats LSU, “The Exorcist”, Pocket Calculators, The Warehouse, OPEC Gas Prices, Hank Aaron, Pete Maravich, Mikhail Baryshnikov, Captain Humble and Scoot, Richard Nixon Resigns, “All the President's Men”, Muhammad Ali, Dutch Morial, Dallas Cowboys, Khmer Rouge, Vietnam War, NOPD Police Strike, “Jaws”, Arthur Ashe, “Saturday Night Live”, Elton John, Preservation Resource Center, The Concorde, America’s Bicentennial Celebration, “Charlie's Angels”, Disco, Jimmy Carter, “Roots”, “Star Wars", Son of Sam, Apple Computers, Rault Center Fire, Atari 2600, Reggie Jackson, “Saturday Night Fever", Test Tube Baby, The Lakefront, Camp David Accords, Pope John Paul II, Jonestown, Guyana Mass Suicide, Harvey Milk, Forty One Forty One, Sony Walkman, “Magic” Johnson vs Larry Bird, Three Mile Island, Margaret Thatcher, Friar Tucks, American Airlines Flight 191, Strategic Arms Limitation Talks, “Abscam” Political Bribes, Ted Bundy, Fat City, Iran Hostage Crisis, Mother Teresa, Elvis Has Left The Building

We were the Children of the Seventies...
We were young, restless and bold...
We lived life as if we would live forever...
Never going to grow tired or old...

No matter what life threw our way...
We would always make the scene...
We would live our life on our own terms...
Live as if we were Forever 18...

© 2020 Jeffrey Pipes Guice
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