The moon Poems

Popular The moon Poems
The moon
by Nastasimir Franović

The moon sneaks through the branches
Like hopes through my thoughts
He sneaks up and is still.
The night is listless and quiet
What does the moon foretell in silence?

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Forever 18…
by Jeffrey Pipes Guice

We were the Children of the Seventies...
We were young, restless and bold...
We lived life as if we would live forever...
Never going to grow tired or old...

No matter what life threw our way...
We would always make the scene...
We would live our life on our own terms...
Live as if we were Forever 18...


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Forever 18
by Jeffrey Pipes Guice

We were the Children of the Seventies...
We were young, restless and bold...
We lived life as if we would live forever...
Never going to grow tired or old...

No matter what life threw our way...
We would always make the scene...
We would live our life on our own terms...
Live as if we were Forever 18...


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by Nastasimir Franović

Mjesec se kroz grane šunja
Kao kroz misli moje nadanja
Prikrao se i ćuti.
Noć je bezvoljna i šuti
Što to mjesec u tišini sluti
Čujem srce
Izađi i odagnaj moje slutnje

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Recent The moon Poems
The moon
by Nastasimir Franović

The moon sneaks through the branches
Like hopes through my thoughts
He sneaks up and is still.
The night is listless and quiet
What does the moon foretell in silence?

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by Nastasimir Franović

Mjesec se kroz grane šunja
Kao kroz misli moje nadanja
Prikrao se i ćuti.
Noć je bezvoljna i šuti
Što to mjesec u tišini sluti
Čujem srce
Izađi i odagnaj moje slutnje

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Forever 18…
by Jeffrey Pipes Guice

We were the Children of the Seventies...
We were young, restless and bold...
We lived life as if we would live forever...
Never going to grow tired or old...

No matter what life threw our way...
We would always make the scene...
We would live our life on our own terms...
Live as if we were Forever 18...


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Forever 18
by Jeffrey Pipes Guice

We were the Children of the Seventies...
We were young, restless and bold...
We lived life as if we would live forever...
Never going to grow tired or old...

No matter what life threw our way...
We would always make the scene...
We would live our life on our own terms...
Live as if we were Forever 18...


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