Jeffrey Pipes Guice

New Orleans
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Alligator Transportation

Alligator transportation...
Go in style crocodile...
In da swamps of New Orleans...
Or on da river called da Nile...

When your gettin’s stopped a goin’...
When you’re late for your date...
When your bees stopped a buzzin’...
She’s sick and tired you’re always late...

When your car stops a startin’...
And da bus never shows...
When your feet stop a runnin’...
Cuz you stubbed all your toes...

Alligator transportation...
Go in style crocodile...
In da swamps of New Orleans...
Or on da river called da Nile...

When your girl starts a naggin’...
Cuz she been waitin’ all night...
But you can’t seem to get there...
Nothin’ seems to be goin’ right...

At last you finally get dere...
Gettin’ dere as fast as you can...
Only to find dat your naggin’ girlfriend...
Decided to leave you for another man...

Alligator transportation...
Go in style crocodile...
In da swamps of New Orleans...
Or on da river called the Nile...

© 2020 Jeffrey Pipes Guice
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