Jeanette Pope Hailsham

Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, USA

Often Times I'Ve Wondered

if a mere understanding of my surroundings
would enhance my ability to comprehend
the irony of reality.
I have never been able to complete this thought.
Other times
my mind appears to be preoccupied with curiosities
which I fail to realize at that particular time
are irrelevant.
it can be seen through observation
that no matter how difficult a situation may be to understand
regardless of its circumstances
remains unchanged.
It would seem then
that reality is nothing more
than a reflection
of that which it is.
Consider if you will
the idea of thinking
stimulated only by the thought itself.
that which the mind can see
cannot be felt simply
by a touch of the flesh.
that which cannot be heard
cannot be disputed verbally
by sound.
that which is neither seen nor heard
can only be questioned
from within.
I am sure
creates its own doubt.
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