Herbert Hudson

Silver Spring, Maryland

Summer Vacations Memories

First there was lightning and then came rain
the glory of it all I cannot explain.
The crash of thunder and the falling limb
And then there was silence, dark and dim.
It brought back memories of the cottage on Michigan shores
Where I spent my youth in Summer lake chores.
The old pump-organ which accompanied our singing
Filled the night with vibrate ringing
The fun-filled days, sailing and kayaking
Shopping at Johnson's frolicking and yakking
Then came July 4th, with rockets soaring
And e pluribus dingbat, interrupting his snoring.
Searching the dunes for ripe blueberries
And eating with relish Jinny's hot gerries.
The sand scorched our feet, as we ran down the hill
But the water was quick to bring on a chill.
Hot dogs and marshmallows toasted over a fire,
Tickled the palate and satisfied desire
This may not seem like much of a theme
I guess you had to be there to appreciate the dream.
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