Helen Hastings

Cleveland, Ohio

While The Spark Is Still Within

Our passage through time, is a one way door,
By which we may return --- no more;
We can't go back to yesterday,
To change one single deed or thought,
For yesterday is spent ----
Recorded indelibly -- as it was wrought.
But today, while the spark is still within,
We can right a wrong -- repent a sin;
Today, --- we can make amends for many yesterdays.
And today, ---while the spark is still within,
We can yet work God's fields for the harvest;
To slacken ---- we cannot afford,
Rejoice then, this day of salvation;
Through faith in Christ Jesus, our Lord!
We can still carry high, the cross of Christ,
As was done in days of yore---
We have till the trump of God does sound, -----
Then time will be ---- no more.
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