Hébert Logerie

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A Prodigal Soldier of Words

I am a prodigal son of a gun
Who fears nothing under the sun
I am a brave and defiant soldier
I am a peaceful gladiator
My pencil is my sword
My pen is my deadly weapon
I write one word at a time, one word
Which can destroy their plan
My pen is like a machine gun
An M16, which spits with a lot of fun
The words, the poems, the bullets
The rhymes, the truth and the pellets
I am not a prisoner
Because my mind is free
My mind is free like the air
I have a brain that nobody
Can control. I am a free man
I am a soldier who carries a pen
As a deadly and dangerous weapon.

Copyright © September 2018, Hébert Logerie, All rights reserved
Hébert Logerie is the author of several books of poetry.
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