It happened on Tuesday evening
An entertainment was discussed,
Nuss thought it was time for Ladies Night
Then this sure started the Fuss.
The one to start the emotion
Was Bowling with his very smooth tongue,
A Box Supper then was suggested
Its doom was pronounced by the Gong.
Then Bowling seemed to be quiet
He had lit up his Italian Briar,
Because he on that very committee
Had been met by some very fierce fire.
A threesome had been named by the Chairman
And the month was then drawing nigh,
Not a Program but a very small entry
Left enthusiasm simmer and die.
Now they let it slip by the next meeting
Not a word was uttered by one,
Thought surely Bowling would mention
But he had to leave early, "By Gum."
Then just as the meeting was over
Our Chairman mentioned the fact,
That if maybe, some one would approach him
The Ladies may get to come back.