Graham Ereks

November 30 - Nigeria,West Africa
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Brosterly Love

Mama's no more, papa too has passed on,
So you, my dear, to me they passed on.
Like five and six we now and then are,
Twinkling ad infinitum like the shooting star.

Sophia, my world, I am now, to you, a father
And mother; your all and irreplaceable brother.
I have become to you a husband, a family,
Combatting on your behalf every life's malady.

My love for you, my dear, is super rocky,
I guess this explains why, at times, we're funky.
The world sees us two as Love's quintessence,
For our familial penchant is indeed an essence.

I am Brainy, your blood, thicker than water,
Your eternal lover, your Herculean protector.
You have become to me my chief responsibility,
And my duty I shall for ever discharge joyously.

Though my love for you, my dear, isn't erotic,
I've gotta admit it's sturdier than one romantic.
And should the world ploy at any point to thirst
For your blood; they'd have to butcher me first.

What I have for you, Sophia, is an undying love.
Sturdy, albeit the world views us each a dove.
As a proof of my love for you, I can be rascally,
My dear. My fondness is super, mega brosterly.

Be it as it may; come rain, come the scotchy sun
Forget not that I, Brainy, am Daddy's able son.
Down to earth mama was, so we're like th' dove
My undying fancy, my dear, is th' brosterly love.
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