Evelyn Judy Buehler

March 18, 1953 - Chicago
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My old life seems monotonous to me now, but I allow it was fine then,
As cobalt skies allow warm butterscotch rays, to linger in the glen.

I worked through those golden days, but most evenings stayed at home;
While life had too little variance, with pizzazz and sparkle unknown!

Always an enthusiastic reader, I had never strayed too far from books,
Like bittersweet sun as he's departing, casts dazzling backward looks.

I did enjoy dating occasionally, even though there was no one special-
But I was waiting for that someone, who would place me on a pedestal.

Sometimes I would go out with friends, yet all too often I would not;
But life isn't just about work, what you've made, or what you've got.

At times life gets caught up in patterns, sometimes we get into a rut,
Like the pattern of colorful seasons, as surprises inevitably develop!

It wasn't that I was not contented, for I was a bit quiet by nature,
Like dusk fireflies winking on, disappearing ever in a twilight blur.

And my social life played hit or miss, like the silvery shooting stars.
I didn't know I was missing out, and it was leaving invisible scars!

One day I was walking home from work, and I passed the emerald park,
Exhausted from standing all day, I sat there listening to lyric lark.

The relaxation felt quite good, and I revelled in the afternoon sun,
Taking deep breaths and unwinding, like a lavender day, newly begun.

As I sat there in brilliant heat, suddenly a strange thing occurred-
The gold sunlight separated into beams, bouncing off bloom and bird!

The sunbeams were all different colors, with none of them ever still;
And they glittered on the lake, bounding off trees and distant hills.

The light show was frenzied, and lasted the better part of an hour,
Enhancing the beauty of all things-butterflies bees people flowers!

Like the hued aurora borealis, of jade earth's northern hemisphere,
Dazzling all in its star dust, establishing the entrancing light year!

Who'd have expected this exotic thing, to have happened to boring me?
Like a redbird from far distant lands, on the wrong side of the sea.

Rested inspired and scintillated, a birdsong concerto trailed me home,
As a colorful butterfly attraction, draws them when blooms are alone!

No one in the world would believe it, my turquoise Tuesday testimony,
Like a diamond that glitters so radiantly, some might think its phony.

The dullness of life began to sparkle, leaving me radiant and alive,
Like purchasing a pretty new car, and delighting in the first drive!

For several enchanted weeks, I lived in a world of twinkling sunbeams,
Fractured light on its sundry journeys, like when the rainbow gleams!

The change in me was quite sudden, and it surprised those who knew me,
Now I craved much more of living, starting to dress and act differently.

Like variations in the landscape, as springtime puts on her new colors,
The drabness completely forgotten, with her exotically lovely rebirth!

Moreover I eventually switched careers, becoming an airline stewardess,
Traveling the world like purple martins, in the crimson sunset flush.

Instead of sitting so much at home, I have seen beautiful foreign lands,
For memories of sunbeams dancing, has me grasping life with both hands!
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