Evelyn Judy Buehler

March 18, 1953 - Chicago
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In My Beautiful Balloon

With summer nearly gone, we all wanted to do something special,
And decided it should be daring, rather than the usual and dull.

So, we listed the things we desired to do, but hadn't yet tried,
And we finally settled upon, a thrilling hot air balloon ride!

We thought we'd choose the one, that offered the best scenery,
So we could look down upon birds, mountains and fair greenery.

Like the airliner looks down, from past pink cottony clouds,
Within the peaceful stillness, that is far from spirited crowds.

On the day of our happy excursion, we were eager and excited,
Over a trip to the moon, we wouldn't have been more delighted!

The Arizona weather was fine, but undergoing a hot dry spell,
And held a measure of enchantment, like the spinning carousel!

We drove to the field where, the gay balloon would be launched,
And we were heavy laden, for we had packed a substantial lunch.

Our balloon was quite a sight to see, and spectacularly pretty,
On the sere grass its rainbow colors, stood out dramatically!

We met the balloon pilot, a very cheerful and friendly fellow,
Then we began preparing to leave, while the sun was mellow.

The vivid balloon was attached by rope, to a large pickup truck,
To keep it safely on the ground, until we were ready to go up.

The pilot showed us the craft, and gave highlights of our tour,
Then as he took a call in the truck, we climbed inside to explore.

In the midst of our fun, the truck's engine burst into flames,
And the pilot jumped out in the nick of time, calling out names!

The others quickly responded, but didn't know what to do first,
And as we perceived another danger, things grew rapidly worse!

In the dry noon our tether, quickly burned which made us soar,
Like the smoke of many campfires, into sapphirine skies galore.

We at least had presence of mind, to put out our end of the rope,
Before it reached the basket, and took away all remaining hope.

The people on the ground ran about, in panic chaos and confusion,
And they got smaller and smaller, as we just continued cruisin'.

We tried not to fret, as we cleared noble trees and mountaintops,
And were afforded amazing views, of lakes and woods and hilltops!

We paradoxically were able to enjoy the ride, just a little bit,
We'd luckily put our lunches in the basket, before things unknit.

So we sat and had a meal, and discussed the situation thoroughly,
Though scared we knew we shouldn't, abandon ourselves to worry.

So at last we lay down to sleep, under the beautiful starry skies,
In the hopes of the coming hours, not harboring another surprise.

Like a golden dawn holds many promises, and we hope that they're good,
And that fate will have some honor, and treat us the way it should!

We woke to sunshine skies, creamy clouds, and paradisiacal views;
And the vivid birds we now sighted, along their own breezy avenues.

After eating we alternately sat and talked, and stood up to sightsee,
Between bouts of bleak despair, as we considered our plight's gravity.

As the winds became brisk we saw, different towns and rural places;
And jumping children pointed at us, with happy smiles on their faces.

We didn't know how to steer our balloon, and what of dwindling fuel?
No answers to these queries, as we drifted into a red sunset jewel.

Where in the world were we going, in this fine beautiful balloon?
I wondered as the wind played summer tunes, beneath the full moon.

On the third day we worried, for we were rapidly losing altitude,
Compounded by knowing there wasn't, a conceivable way to be rescued!

The hours flew by and we had drifted, to the big city by that night,
And got a tantalizing view, of the scintillating colored lights.

Our food had run out 36 hours ago, and there was only a bit of water,
And we knew we wouldn't possibly be able, to hold out for much longer.

We awoke suddenly the next morning, to an alarmingly speedy descent,
And we quickly said our prayers, that our deaths the Lord might prevent!

Soon we saw rooftops and treetops, and we screamed in total alarm,
But then we suddenly stopped, utterly amazed that we'd come to no harm!

We were caught up in the treetops, but were so glad to see the ground,
The Lord had answered our prayers, because He is always somewhere around!

We were in a residential neighborhood, and a crowd had gathered below,
They called up to ask if we were okay, and we heard the sirens blow.

My friends and I are at home now, and there's laughter through the hours,
We love life more nowadays, and often take the paths through flowers.

Our pilot was overjoyed that we were saved, and he even visited us all.
Our story had been in the news for days, and had held people in its thrall.

Our pilot was very embarrassed, over the hapless fairgrounds accident.
His problem of loose wires and a ruptured gas tank, hadn't been evident.

For our miraculous deliverance, we will be grateful all of our lives,
We're different people now, and know it's by prayer that a soul survives!

The balloon came down over 7,000 miles, from where it had first started,
But the fact of the trip being scenic and memorable, can't be disregarded!

Like a sightseeing bird capturing vistas, from along the rainbow precincts,
Or hearing a masterpiece symphony, though it's done in the wrong sequence.

Although I was often scared and hungry, I won't regret our ride too soon,
For I went much of the way around this world, in my beautiful balloon!
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