Evelyn Judy Buehler

March 18, 1953 - Chicago
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A Season in the Sun

After swimming at Cherry Beach, I had been returning home,
With some very cool memories, of the sand and green foam.

On the drive back I had resolved, to take the scenic route,
Like the pathway down Magnolia Way, where scents drift about.

The rural lanes were charming, so I just took my sweet time;
And when I saw a grassy hill, I got out to take the climb.

I inhaled a deep breath, entranced by such hilltop beauty,
As a riot of lovely blooms, caught the sun like fine jewelry!

I walked among the flowers, enjoying those marvelous views,
Of sparkling lakes and hills, along green grassy avenues.

I stopped underneath a tree, delighting in a beautiful bird,
When at once I was startled, by a voice I shouldn't have heard!

I looked everywhere about me, but I seemed to be quite alone,
When the voice came to me once again, from a speaker unknown.

"That is our friend Jay, who sings the days away," it said.
Then I saw the orator was a bloom, quite dressed up in red!

The bloom face seemed human, and smiled and gave me her name,
And I knew from then that memory, would retain Taffeta's fame.

I myself began to feel lethargic, with a loathing for movement,
Then I became very small, and the sky seemed far more distant.

I had become an orange daisy, and was growing near my friend,
And I was made for loveliness, and golden sunshine without end!

Looking all about me, I viewed the world from my novel place,
As green grass waved around me, and lent us blooms such grace.

The soft breezes ruffled my petals, and I felt warmth deep inside,
For by some strange form of magic, rules of nature were denied!

Taffeta and the other blooms giggled, to see the brand new me,
Like the brook that giggles madly, because it's happy and so free.

I felt not the slightest hunger, though I had missed my lunch,
Indeed notions of food repelled me, for I had no urge to munch.

So I happily whiled away the hours, among my new companions,
Then we enjoyed a colorful sunset, so possible in all seasons!

Night fell tenderly all around, with glittering stars and moon,
Which thrilled us with hopes, that dawn wouldn't be coming soon.

When at last we all fell asleep, we dreamt of deep golden sun,
And we danced even in our slumbers, for night breezes had begun!

We awoke at first rays of dawn, and then chattered quite gaily,
And we all enjoyed the sunrise, as they were wont to do daily.

Taffeta and I were fond friends now, and she told me of her life,
Of sun and sweet music, buzzing insects and hummingbirds rife.

Of the distant whites and blues, and soft green grasses so near,
And the mysteriousness of the world, that is quite far from here.

I also told Taffeta of my world, of clocks and great rushing about,
Like the ceaselessness of a pulsar, with its neverending spout!

Of peaceful relaxing weekends, after triumph weekdays of career,
'Til we reach seniority at last, basking in dreams of yesteryear.

Often a hilltop visitor would go by, enchanted with blooms and sky,
Sometimes they'd pluck a flower, so to our friend we'd say goodbye.

Sometimes they'd inhale deeply, of one particularly exotic scent,
And we would blush with pleasure, for the raptures they were sent!

After a time I felt as if the magic, were slowly beginning to wane,
For I began missing my home, and the many joys therein contained.

Then suddenly I felt within me, a great desire for much movement,
And I was back to my natural form, in hardly more than a moment.

With tears laughter and well wishes, we friends said our goodbyes.
Their tears were aided by morning dew, for it was golden sunrise.

I'll never forget my enchanted season, as a glorious orange bloom,
In my blue domed house on Green Hill, in nature's sunshine room!
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