Dwiveck Custodio

My Reflection In The Mirror

I look at my reflection in the mirror,
And I see all I feel.
I see lonliness,
I see love,
I see excitment,
I see shyness.
I look at my reflection in the mirror,
And I see all I dream of.
I see the guy I love so much,
I see published poems written by me,
I see children I don't yet have,
I see a place where everything is perfect.
I look at my reflection in the mirror,
And I see all I like.
I see pools,
I see flowers,
I see bright rainbows,
I see birds and butterflies flying free.
I look at my reflection in the mirror,
And I see all I have.
I see friends who truly care,
I see a family who loves me,
I see God,
I see life.
I look at my reflection in the mirror,
And I see all I believe in.
I see Christ dying for us,
I see angels spreading their wings out to us,
I see miracles happening,
I see people who make the world a better place.
I look at my reflection in the mirror,
And I see all my memories.
I see photos and letter,
I see tests and quizzes,
I see medals and certificates,
I see journals and notebooks.
I look at my reflection in the mirror,
But I see nothing I hate,
Because God has given me the power
To hate nothing and love everything.
I see myself - pure and perfect.
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