Dee E. White

Georgetown, Ontario, Canada

Ode To Mountsberg

Give me the wide open spaces, where the white-
tailed deer and red foxes run,
And beavers build dams across sylvan streams
that catch the falling rays of sun.
Where the great blue heron wades in the marshes,
fishes, roosts and flies,
And the red-winged blackbird calls Con-ker-ee,
Con-ker-ee, into spring's fair skies. Give me the wide open spaces, where the sky-winds
blow, and the coyote wails,
And one can explore the pioneer and lakeshore trails.
Where hummingbirds drink flower nectar on wing,
And creeks run deep and trout skilfully swim.
And clouds sail like ships on a fresh breeze, where,
full-rigged, they gracefully plough and skim. Give me the wide open spaces, where sunsets flare
like burning plains,
And the hills are washed with rainbow-tinted rains.
Where river otters play tag among bending reeds,
chipmunks scurry over the verdant sod,
Until the warm sunlight fades and night is soothed
by the pleased sighs of God.
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