Carl F. Stratton

Wood Dale, Illinois

What Little Boys Like

A shiny bike of reds and blues
A puppy that will chew on shoes
A pocket knife for mumble depeg
An order of chicken and you get a leg
You pet the cat fro down the street
A new set of sneakers for your feet
A fishing pole you gut from some feller
You can sail your boat sometimes in the cellar
A frog you caught and kept for a pet
Play out in the rain and get soaking wet
An apple for the teacher can cause shes so cute
Going to church on Sunday in a brand new suite.
A tree out back that you call your very own
Fell off your bike so off your broken bone
Pa sleeping on the couch pick up all the change you can
Save it for some candy or the ice cream man
Setting your favorite lollipop on the easy chair
Can't understand where it got all that hair
A brand new baseball bat and glove
And the very first time you fell in love.
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