Arvin Dassad

Brooklyn, New York- 11/21/1994
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The Pully

Don't let tomorrow forget who brought it today,
It should be thankful,
after all today is a gift,
as it is forever memorialized as the present,

Every moment passes,
standing on the laurels of quarrels,
yet its pockets weigh heavy,
lead coated equity,
droplets of peace, resonating with ripples of happiness,
don't let tomorrow hold firm the grasp of periods ending,
hang only on each comma, finding respite in the pregnant pause,

When yesterday called,
only today could have answered,
its quickly slapping steps racing to the door,
wrapped tightly in its bow,
pushing forever firmly to what comes,
like the rope at the end of a slingshot,
a beam slopped across the blanket of time,
tearing it ascunder in the streak of what can be,
of what will,
boxed and wrapped neatly in the satin subtlety,
again a present, so aptly named,

The wheel pulls rope across on the other end,
it creaks,
taught and without mercy,
brace, for you should never let what tomorrow holds ever forget.
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