Bobby Marbles Mobley

I Would Love It

I would love to soar like a kite in the sky
Then cut the string so I could fly
I would love to drift through the clouds of white
Like a glorius angel so pretty and bright
I would love to sail where the four winds go
And see the shores where the waves of the seven seas flow
I would love it! I would love it! I would love it!

I would love to see what the wild goose sees
And swarm the globe like the honey bees
I would love to float in the wind where the eagles have been
To the highest mountian peak to the valley of chance
Where the thunder rolls and the lightning's dance
I would love it! I would love it! I would love it!

I would love Capestrano where the swallows return
And see Siberia also the land of the midnight sun
I would soar over China and the Indian Ocean
Tasmania and New Zealand if I get the notion
I would love to float on the river Nile
And catch and ride on a crocodile
I would love it! I would love it! I would love it!

I would love to ride the Orient Express to Timbukto
And ride a magic carpet to Katmandu
I would love to rocket to Mars and maybe the moon
I'm ready to go I want to leave real soon
I would love to skydive from fifty thousand feet
And land on the Eiffel Tower ever so neat
I would love it! I would love it! I would love it!

I would love to dart into space and circle the sun
Also Mars, Jupiter and Venus just for fun
I would love to slide down the path of the Milky Way
And with the stars and galaxies I would run and play
I would love to glow like a comet for all to see
And streak and shine throughout the universe
For all eternity
I would love it! I would love it! I would love it!
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