Berthe N. Welch

Saignaw, Michigan

Changed Lives

What makes the difference for changed lives?
It's you in Christ, and He in you-
First believe in the living Christ - invite Him in,
And the Holy Spirit's Power shall then begin.
The Bible's the source for changes to take place -
The more of the Word, the sweeter the taste.
Hidden treasures of wisdom can be yours, my friend,
God will supply them - there's never an end.
When the storms of life appear - and they will -
You ride out the storm until calm and still.
Changed lives turn selfish greed into cheerful giving;
Hate and its by-products into Christ's image of living.
Changes are evident by displaying love, joy and peace.
Walking in the Spirit, God gives the increase.
Then that blessed hope of knowing you're heaven bound;
In this life God's help can always be found.
Take God's gifts of life - whatever you do -
For He loves sharing His many blessings with you.
What makes the difference for changed lives?
It's you in Christ, and He in you.
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