Berthe N. Welch

Saignaw, Michigan

Always Together

My Faith rests on God's promises, they're faithful and true,
The Lord goes with me everywhere, and in all that I do.

I felt of God's presence as the sun kissed my face,
Knew in my weakness, I had His strength and His grace.

Entering my secret place to be alone with the Lord,
Prayed, paused, then listened, heard Him speak by His Word.

Went to the doctor, lo and behold, God was there,
Sharing our faith, Jesus' sweet Spirit soon filled the air.

Knowing God's children in whom Christ lives His life through,
And out of their well of love, freely from it I drew.

In the Valley of Weeping God comforted me in my sadness,
Then poured me out a blessing, He delighted in my gladness.

God laid on me this burden to plant His precious Seeds,
That others know the Savior and live with Him indeed.

I know my sins are forgiven for Jesus paid them all,
Therefore, we're always together in great things or in small.

I've been through many changes, some losses and some gains,
But the Lord never changes, His Kingdom shall remain.

Yes, my Redeemer lives for He lives His life in me,
The best is yet to come, then my Savior's face I'll see!
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