Benny Ingram

Creedmoor, NC, USA


With human feet I move my being each and every day -
Usually without giving it a single thought I this per
Son it is said once was a mass of clay. Oh Lord 'I never meant to forget 'you are the one
Who gave me sense, reason sight and breath. "Dear God' I beg you now have mercy please on this per
Son when these human steps I trod, to the weight of -
Human stress may I never bow. Master, I need your approval not to mention your
Inspiration your protection in all I say and do. Remind me Lord, it should no be only somber, tragic or
Hurtful moments when I turn to you. Lead me dear Christ I pray to you in sincere
Intercessory in personal sacred prayer each and every
Day. Help me never when leaning to prayer not to procrast-
Inate, bring to my attention for your love your forgive
Ness I nor any other human, we, we do not have to wait. Amen:
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