Basele Stephen

Dawn of the '90, Kenya
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When I finally take a Bow

When I finally take a bow
Remember I once was low
Had to climb my way up
Even though they said Twas my last lap

They laughed at me
They said he ain't gonna make it
He ain't curved for a dime
But mine eyes were set for the high climb

I finally made it up their ladder
Grabbed him by the lapels
And up we hiked again.
To the Virgin horizons

Now that I want to take a bow
For up here I don't belong
I wanna tell it all
Focus your dreams up the ladder

I take a final bow
To take a deep breath and rest
When I decide to propel.
The inertia will keep me going

I take a bow not a quit
For quitting I know not
But to bow is an honor
A great feeling of achievement

©Basele 2017
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