Bame Bame

January 23,1990-Gaborone, Botswana.
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Heaven on Earth

It’s something amazing and worth having
Finding each other was providential
The growth of our love is exponential
She makes my reality outshine my dreams
Her beauty is unmatched, she has beautiful genes

The love she has for me gave me CPR
This is more than that dopamine hit you get at a bar
The best decision I’ve made by far
Finding your Twin flame is an upgrade
Created something beautiful for a change
Used to give love & received heartaches, an unfair trade

Looking at her is like standing in front of a mirror
Authentic love is hard to come by, especially in this era
So, when you find it, hold on tight
And when it’s under siege, put up a fight
Give thanks, hold hands and kneel on the floor
This is the kind of love you need to give God credit for.
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