Ashraf Gohar Goreja

Breach Of An Oath

Universities pledge to create an example
Of truthfulness and
Ample honesty;
For high morals and
Ever to flourish
With manifested statements
Of their dignity.

But a university
With its standard unrefined
Full with defection and
Ennoble deeds
Lacking incumbent and worthiness
And the reverence
That apt to be with
Fruitful seeds.

These magnificent facade,
Great columns and,
Capacious chambers,
Claiming the beauty,
Grace and lasting charm;
Slowly they will fade
In the shadows of melting time
For you would entailed penance,
Eruption and harm.

Many schools I have within me.
And when my wisdom diffuses
In the presence of a helpless blind
He gets no eyes,
But insight to see
For I represent
Schools that are hard to find.

My words drill holes
In the ears of a deaf
For they are sharp with substantial truth
Yet sweet with sparkles of intellect.
They offer no hearing
But open the sleepy mind,
Rusted with ignorance
Greed and profound neglect.

Your claim as a school of ethic,
An institute of fine art,
You are shattered in the darkness
Your entity is falling apart.
You call yourself a university
In fact you are a house of harshness.

Yet! I would live in profound peace
With my mind unchanged at par
Beneath this blue evening sky
Where there always twinkles
A bright and lonely star.
I often wonder about this universe
And man 's abode within it.
How strange this mortal is
Though lives very close, yet afar.

Teach love, obeisance, and honesty,
For man is worthy to attain,
Self respect with immense schooling
Rationalize his being and glory to retain.
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