A.F. Sh

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Release Me, Beloved

Oh immune to lethe, dear beloved,
Why must you persist to appear?
Your spectral visage I've beheld
in waking hours, in slumber's sphere.

In yesternight's nocturnal trance,
Your countenance again drew nigh *sigh*
as if in spectral apparance
you linger still,
Though you did die ...

My mind is weary, and I implore,
That you would cease this ceaseless plight,
Your bloody image haunts me to the core, aye.
Keeps me from one peaceful night.

I beg you, please, lay your ghostly form
to rest forevermore in peace,
Please let my mind be free to storm,
Without your haunting memories.

Leave me now, beg you still, let me be
with that solemn peace I seek;
For though I loved you fervently,
Your memory leaves me, ever, weak.
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