Alan Prescott

Brooklyn, New York

A Vison Of Beauty

Sculptured in the image of Venus.
Body unblemished, smoother than station.
Elegant form, so graceful and gorgeous.
Radiating a brilliance that's enchanting.
Angelic figure with divine impeccancy.
I conjure a vision of pure beauty.

Sunlight dances on golden tresses.
A zephyr whispers by, creating a ripple.
ace, brightly smiling; bear no stresses.
Eyes, emerald green, sparkle; then twinkle.
Sensuous mouth, lips colored cherry.
I conjure a vision of pure beauty.

Romanticizing this coinage of my brain.
Desires run wild with raging passion.
A honey dewed voice drives me insane.
Intoxicated by figment of imagination.
I revel in this dithyrambic poesy.
I conure a vision of pure beauty.
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