Zinda Kaul

Masterji] (1884 – 1965 / Kashmir / India


Dear friend, pray do not lose hope and faith;
no wonder if someone comes to you with another love token.
He has no dearth of tokens; His treasures are full.
His tokens are lying ungathered in hills and woods,
or brightly blooming in flowerbeds, or scintillating among the stars.

You say:"How can we face him after all our slips and falls? "
Such lame excuses to turn back from devotion will not do.
For supposing we withdraw, can His love let us go?
The eternal bond (between the human soul and God) is not fragile and flimsy like a child's friendship.

He loves the humble repentant; though He pretends to be angry with those who are sophisticated.
If you do not believe me, go and ask aside His popular devotees like Sudama who had won His love.
He, the all-knowing innocent child, is never far from saints like Surdas and listens quietly to their devotional songs.
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