Zebra Black

6 24 Moniticello NY
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She Turns Me On

palace of lights caved
blooms through the body
like reality pitted against a comic book
not knowing where life came from
not knowing how it will end
food tubes or road kill

is creation substance-less?
24 carat nonsense,
or pure wisdom?
perhaps bad therapy
for lab animals
and store front dummies

monkeys shudder at needles
unless candied with a heroine syringe
chemistry a science of belligerence and euphoria
pleasure before despair
and than a sea of pain

and a fuck;
impaling her

the lushly contoured female
a frictionless exchange of power
for orgasms ecstatic death
as her eyes bob and flutter
like cascading echo's

my birth tarot card
cock of swords
her favorite when I push through her
like blood bubble gum
b l o o d b u b b a b u b b le g u m

a scum cathedral of lights flicker spit
guttural diphthong
like a vipers castanets
uterine fire bursts like an appendix bomb
her cunt a zoo
c u n t z o o

i am peanuts worms and hay
her face a mask to hide behind
breath play
sibilant hump
specter or nightmares
shadows and villains aphrodiac

gagged and drugged
hot bitch bound
a big eyed slut
s l u t l o v e

sex cannibals turn me on
her rectum a goddess
a Russian roulette
for shtttty kisses
she shot me

cuckoo spit
k o cuck k o k o o
twizzles willie milk
in a drowning
moss draped moon orifice
under a shattered zodiac

wrapped in tentacles of night
she turns me on
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