William Alexander

1567-1640 / Scotland

Sonet 16

Loue so engag'd my fancies to that faire,
That whil'st I liue I shall aduance her name,
And imping stately fethers in her fame,
May make it glide more glorious through the aire:
So she in beauties right shall haue her share,
And I who striue her praises to proclaime,
Encourag'd with so excellent a theame,
May rest inrold amongst those that were rare.
O if my wit were equall with her worth!
Th'Antipodes all rauish'd by report,
From regions most remou'd should here resort,
To gaze vpon the face which I set forth:
Or were my wit but equall with my will,
I with her praise both Titans bowers should fill.
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